Dynamics of tear fluid desiccation on a glass surface: a contribution to tear quality assessment

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Traipe Castro, Leonidas
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Dynamics of tear fluid desiccation on a glass surface: a contribution to tear quality assessment
Background: Fern-like crystalloids form when a microvolume of tear is allowed to dry out at ambient conditions
on a glass surface. Presence of crystalloids in tear “microdesiccates” is used to evaluate patients with Dry-Eye
disease. This study aims to examine morphologically the desiccation process of normal tear fluid and to identify
changes associated with accelerated tear evaporation. Tear microdesiccates from healthy (Non-Dry Eye) and Dry Eye
subjects were produced at ambient conditions. Microdesiccate formation was monitored continuously by dark-field
video microscopy. Additionally, accelerated desiccation of tear samples from healthy subjects was conducted under
controlled experimental conditions. Particular morphological domains of tear microdesiccates and their progressive
appearance during desiccation were compared.
Results: In normal tear microdesiccates, four distinctive morphological domains (zones I, II, III and transition band)
were recognized. Stepwise formation of those domains is now described. Experimentally accelerated desiccation
resulted in marked changes in some of those zones, particularly involving either disappearance or size reduction of
fern-like crystalloids of zones II and III. Tear microdesiccates from Dry Eye subjects may also display those differences
and be the expression of a more synchronous formation of microdesiccate domains.
Conclusion: Morphological characteristics of tear microdesiccates can provide insights into the relative rate of tear
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This study was partially supported by Grant 1110325 from Fondo Nacional
de Ciencia y Tecnología (Fondecyt), Chile.
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Biological Research 2014, 47:25