Near-Real-Time Estimation of Water Vapor Column From MSG-SEVIRI Thermal Infrared Bands: Implications for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval

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Julien, Yves
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Near-Real-Time Estimation of Water Vapor Column From MSG-SEVIRI Thermal Infrared Bands: Implications for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval
The Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced
Visible and Infrared Imager (MSG-SEVIRI) instrument
provides observations of half the globe every 15 min, at low spatial
resolution. These data are an invaluable tool to observe daily to
yearly cycle of land surface temperature (LST), as well as for various
early warning systems. However, advanced algorithms for LST
estimation requires a previous estimation of the water vapor (WV)
column above the observed pixel, for which no instantaneous
retrieval methods are yet available, and therefore hinders their
implementation in a near-real-time processing chain for MSGSEVIRI
data. This work analyzes three different formulations for
such WV retrieval, which are compared to independent WV estimates
obtained from radiosoundings. The best suited algorithm is
then selected for WV estimation and compared with the results
obtained with a previous noninstantaneous algorithm [23]. This
comparison shows that, in spite of retrieval errors higher than
the ones reported in the literature, the estimated WV compares
relatively well with in situ data, while allowing for an instantaneous
estimation ofWV column (every 15 min). Error propagation
analysis and direct comparison show that the observed increase in
WV estimation error has a negligible influence on LST retrieval.
Therefore, this algorithm is well suited to be implemented in a
near-real-time processing chain for MSG-SEVIRI data.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
Project AYA2011-29334-C02-01
(CEOS-SPAIN) and in part by Chilean Projects U-INICIA VID 4/06212 and
Fondecyt-Initial 11130359 (CONICYT)
DOI: DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2015.2393378
ISSN: 0196-2892
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IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 53, no. 8, August 2015
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