The Effect of the Nanoscale Structure of Nanobioceramics on Their In Vitro Bioactivity and Cell Differentiation Properties

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Covarrubias Gallardo, Cristián
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The Effect of the Nanoscale Structure of Nanobioceramics on Their In Vitro Bioactivity and Cell Differentiation Properties
The effect of the nanoscale structure of bioceramics on their in vitro bioactivity and capacity to osteogenically differentiate stem cell is studied. Nanoparticles of hydroxyapatite (nHA), bioactive glass (nBG), nanoporous bioactive glass (MBG), and nanoporous bioactive glass nanospheres (nMBG) are investigated. The nanometric particle size of bioceramics seems to be more determining in controlling the ability to induce bone-like apatite as compared to the nanoporous structure. At short incubation time, nBG also produces a bioactive extracellular medium capable of upregulating key osteogenic markers involved in the development of a mineralizing phenotype in DPSCs. The bioactive properties of nBG are promissory for accelerating the bone regeneration process in tissue engineering applications.
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National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) of the Government of Chile through FONDECYT Project
U-Redes Project, Nanotechnology for Biomedical Applications Network (NanoBioMat), University of Chile
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Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2015, Article ID 526230, 14 pages
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