Adaptación del cuestionario de componentes del valor de pareja al contexto chileno

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Fernández, Ana María
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Adaptación del cuestionario de componentes del valor de pareja al contexto chileno
The current research assesses the psychometric properties of the mate value components questionnaire (MVC), and the different dimensions underlying this construct. A sample of 688 Chilean adults participated in the study. The reliability of the scale was estimated and other related measures of mate value were applied to estimate the MVC validity. We also evaluated sex differences and differences in partnership status on the MVC. Finally, a confirmatory factor analysis corroborated the structure of the scale. The results show that the questionnaire is consistent and is associated in the predicted direction with other closely related measures. The CFA substantiated the theoretical structure of the MVC which allows concluding the adjustment of the instrument to our local context.
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Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica. RIDEP · Nº40 · Vol.1 · 94-102
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