Spontaneous expression of class II (HLA-DR) molecules in thyroid pathology Expresión espontánea de moléculas de clase II (HLA-DR) en patología tiroidea.

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Spontaneous expression of class II (HLA-DR) molecules in thyroid pathology Expresión espontánea de moléculas de clase II (HLA-DR) en patología tiroidea.
The spontaneous expression of Class II molecules (HLA-DR) was studied in cultured thyrocytes obtained from patients with Graves Disease (n = 7), Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (n = 5), euthyroid nodular goiter, (n = 12), papillary carcinoma (n = 5), and laryngeal carcinoma (3 normal thyroid glands). If nodular goiters and papillary carcinoma are of autoimmune origin, as Graves Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, they should spontaneously express HLA-DR antigen on their cell surface as this has been considered one of the initial steps of autoimmunity. The study was performed using the cytotoxicity assay. Immediately after the thyroid glands were obtained, thyrocytes were labelled with 51-Cr and incubated overnight; the cells were destroyed by adding monoclonal antiHLA-DR antibody and rabbit complement. The cytotoxicity index (CI% + SD) which reflects 51-Cr release from lyzed cells was used to measure antigen expression. While Graves Disease's and Hashimoto's Disease's thyrocytes expressed HLA
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Revista medica de Chile, Volumen 119, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 867-870