Business engineering and service design. Vol. I

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This work presents an innovative approach to business design, known as
Business Engineering, and its application to service offerings design in
general. Such an approach is characterized by:
• Integrating many disciplines—Ontology, Strategy, Business
Models, Modularization, Platform Design, Case Management,
Business Processes, Business Intelligence, Information
Systems, and Information Technology (IT)—in generating
detailed Enterprise Architecture designs for services, which are
aligned with and make operational stakeholders’ interests.
• Providing a hierarchical design methodology that allows
managing the complexity of full enterprise design by starting
with overall aggregated designs, which are then detailed by
hierarchical decomposition.
• Basing designs on Business, Architecture, and Process Patterns
that abstract and formalize the knowledge and experience
generated from hundreds of business design cases in which
the approach has been applied.
• Introducing advanced Analytics—for example, predictive
and prescriptive data-based models, optimization techniques,
and simulation—to support business development, by using
to generate new or improved service designs, and
management by embedding models in operating process
design; this allows generating truly Business Intelligence
that optimizes service performance.
• Using formal constructs to model patterns and designs based
on the Business Process Management Notation (BPMN),
allowing simulation and eventual execution of the designs
using Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) and
Oriented Architecture (SOA) technology.
The book provides the foundations of Business Engineering, reviews
the several disciplines integrated within its methodology, and presents
plentiful evidence of its power by giving detailed real application cases,
including very impressive results in private and public situations.
ISBN: 978-1-63157-568-6 (paperback)
978-1-63157-569-3 (e-book)
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New York : Business Expert Press, 2016. Vol I. 261 p.
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