Interspecies RNA interactome of pathogen and host in a heritable defensive strategy

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Legüe, Marcela
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Interspecies RNA interactome of pathogen and host in a heritable defensive strategy
Communication with bacteria deeply impacts the life history traits of their hosts.
Through specific molecules and metabolites, bacteria can promote short- and longterm
phenotypic and behavioral changes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
The chronic exposure of C. elegans to pathogens promotes the adaptive behavior
in the host’s progeny called pathogen-induced diapause formation (PIDF). PIDF is a
pathogen avoidance strategy induced in the second generation of animals infected
and can be recalled transgenerationally. This behavior requires the RNA interference
machinery and specific nematode and bacteria small RNAs (sRNAs). In this work,
we assume that RNAs from both species co-exist and can interact with each other.
Under this principle, we explore the potential interspecies RNA interactions during
PIDF-triggering conditions, using transcriptomic data from the holobiont. We study two
transcriptomics datasets: first, the dual sRNA expression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
PAO1 and C. elegans in a transgenerational paradigm for six generations and second,
the simultaneous expression of sRNAs and mRNA in intergenerational PIDF. We focus
on those bacterial sRNAs that are systematically overexpressed in the intestines of
animals compared with sRNAs expressed in host-naïve bacteria. We selected diverse
in silico methods that represent putative mechanisms of RNA-mediated interspecies
interaction. These interactions are as follows: heterologous perfect and incomplete
pairing between bacterial RNA and host mRNA; sRNAs of similar sequence expressed
in both species that could mimic each other; and known or predicted eukaryotic motifs
present in bacterial transcripts. We conclude that a broad spectrum of tools can be
applied for the identification of potential sRNA and mRNA targets of the interspecies
RNA interaction that can be subsequently tested experimentally.
Millennium Scientific
Initiative ICM-ANID ICN09-022, CINV, Proyecto Apoyo
Redes Formación de Centros (REDES180138), CYTED grant
P918PTE3, and Fondecyt 1131038 to AC. BA is funded by a
doctoral fellowship (21201778) from the National Agency for
Research and Development (ANID).
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Frontiers in Microbiology July 2021 Volume 12 Article 649858
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