Sugar‑sweetened beverage consumption and breast composition in a longitudinal study of Chilean girls

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Yoon, Lara
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Sugar‑sweetened beverage consumption and breast composition in a longitudinal study of Chilean girls
Background: Frequent sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) intake has been associated with indirect markers of breast
cancer risk, such as weight gain in adolescents and early menarche. How SSB intake relates to breast composition in
adolescent girls has not been explored.
Methods: We evaluated the association between prospective intake of SSB and breast density in a cohort of 374
adolescent girls participating in the Growth and Obesity Cohort Study in Santiago, Chile. Multivariable linear regression
models were used to analyze the association between average daily SSB intake quartiles and breast composition
(absolute fibroglandular volume [aFGV], percent fibroglandular volume [%FGV], total breast volume [tBV]). Models
were adjusted for potential confounding by BMI Z-score, age, daily energy intake (g/day), maternal education, hours
of daily television watching after school, dairy intake (g/day), meat intake (g/day), waist circumference, and menarche.
To examine the sensitivity of the association to the number of dietary recalls for each girl, analyses were further stratified
by girls with one dietary recall and girls with > one dietary recall.
Results: A total of 881 dietary recalls were available for 374 girls prior to the breast density assessment. More than
60% of the cohort had > one dietary recall available. In multivariable analyses, we found no association between SSB
intake quartile and aFGV (Q2 vs Q1 β: − 5.4, 95% CI − 15.1, 4.4; Q3 vs Q1 β: 1.3, 95% CI − 8.6, 11.3; Q4 vs Q1 β: 3.0, 95%
CI − 7.1, 13). No associations were noted for %FGV and tBV. Among girls with at least one dietary recall, we found no
significant associations between SSB intake quartiles and %FGV, aFGV, or tBV.
Conclusion: Overall, we observed no evidence that SSB intake was associated with breast density in adolescent
Chilean girls.
United States Department of Health & Human Services
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA
NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) R01CA158313
Aparece en contenido como:National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services
United States Department of Health & Human Services
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA
NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) U01ES026130
Aparece en contenido como:National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
United States Department of Health & Human Services
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA
NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Aparece en contenido como:National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
Chilean National Science Council Fondecyt 11170670
PCI REDI170060
Artículo de publícación WoS Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
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Breast Cancer Research (2022) 24:3
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