Now showing items 444-463 of 851

    • Adarmes Ahumada, Héctor; Donders Riveros, Leonardo; Dörner Santa María, Cristóbal; González Zamora, Ema; Galleguillos Caamaño, Marco (Universidad Austral de Chile, 2017)
      The purpose of this study was to establish if there was any difference in the GAGs content between loaded and unloaded surfaces of the joint. Furthermore, the results were compared between macroscopically healthy and damaged ...
    • Reyes Solovera, Mónica de los; Palomino Mackenney, Jaime; Jofré, S.; Villarroel Córdova, Arturo; Moreno, R. (2012)
      Content: The Golgi apparatus (GA) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) play a central role in the events related to intracellular trafficking distribution. This work evaluated the dynamics and localization of the GA and ER in ...
    • Peralta Troncoso, Óscar; Bucher, Danai; Fernández, Ana; Berland, Marco; Strobel, Pablo; Ramírez, Alfredo; Ratto, Marcelo H.; Concha, Ilona I. (BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 2013-06-24)
      Background: The objectives of the study were to characterize the expression of the α- and β-subunits of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) receptor in bovine cumulus cells and oocytes and to determine ...
    • Alvear Alvarez, Jorge; Vial Rodríguez, Margarita; Artaza Barrios, Carmen (1991)
      In order to investigate growth following early severe malnutrition, two groups of 40 children and their mothers were studied, one of patients recovered from early protein energy malnutrition (PEM) at a closed center for ...
    • Alvear, J.; Guerrero, S.; Artaza Barrios Carmen (1991)
      To investigate growth following a period of severe malnutrition in early life, we have studied longitudinally 2 groups of children and their mothers: the first one who had suffered protein energy malnutrition early in life ...
    • Mathieu, Christian; González, Álvaro; García, Alfonso; Johow, Magdalena; Badía, Catalina; Jara, Cecilia; Núñez, Paula; Neira Ramírez, Víctor; Montiel, Néstor A.; Killian, Mary Lea; Brito, Bárbara P. (Blackwell, 2019)
      In December 2016, low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) caused by an H7N6 subtype was confirmed in a grow-out turkey farm located in Valparaiso Region, Chile. Depopulation of exposed animals, zoning, animal movement control ...
    • Alaniz, Alberto J.; Carvajal, Mario A.; Smith Ramírez, Cecilia; Barahona Segovia, Rodrigo M.; Vieli, Lorena (Springer, 2018)
      We estimate habitat loss and fragmentation in a hoverfly, Aneriophora aureorufa, used as a representative forest specialist species. This species is a pollinator specialist of two native trees, forming a triad endemic to ...
    • Zapata, B.; Fuentes, V.; Bonacic, C.; González, B.; Villouta Cabello, Gladys; Bas, F. (2003)
      The purpose of this study was to describe haematological and blood biochemistry findings of farmed guanacos in central Chile, in order to establish reference values for this species in captivity. Haematological and clinical ...
    • Muñoz Arenas, Loreto (2005)
      Presence of the antigen of the feline leukaemia virus in serum of cats naturally infected was observed in Chile in 1989, using an ELISA test. This virus induces neoplastic as well as non-neoplastic alterations. The ...
    • Silva, Víctor; Madrid, H.; Anticevic, S. (2007)
      A female canine patient presented a history of chronic generalized pruritus. In the dermatological examination, scaly alopecic lesions with hyperkeratosis were detected on the inner posterior face of both thighs. Microscopical ...
    • Roy, Helen; Brown, Peter; Adriaens, Tim; Berkvens, Nick; Borges, Isabel; Clusella Trullas, Susana; Comont, Richard; De Clercq, Patrick; Eschen, Rene; Estoup, Arnaud; Evans, Edward; Facon, Benoit; Gardiner, Mary; Gil, Artur; Grez Villarroel, Audrey; Guillemaud, Thomas; Haelewaters, Danny; Herz, Annette; Honek, Alois; Howe, Andy; Hui, Cang; Hutchison, William; Kenis, Marc; Koch, Robert; Kulfan, Jan; Handley, Lori; Lombaert, Eric; Loomans, Antoon; Losey, John; Lukashuk, Alexander; Maes, Dirk; Magro, Alexandra; Murray, Katie; San Martín, Gilles; Martinkova, Zdenk; Minnaar, Ingrid; Nedved, Oldrich; Orlova Bienkowskaja, Marina; Osawa, Naoya; Rabitsch, Wolfgang; Ravn, Hans; Rondoni, Gabriele; Rorke, Steph; Ryndevich, Sergey; Saethre, May; Sloggett, John; Soares, Antonio; Stals, Riaan; Tinsley, Matthew; Vandereycken, Axel; van Wielink, Paul; Viglasova, Sandra; Zach, Peter; Zakharov, Ilya; Zaviezo, Tania; Zhao, Zihua (Springer, 2016)
      The harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is native to Asia but has been intentionally introduced to many countries as a biological control agent of pest insects. In numerous countries, ...
    • Grez Villarroel, Audrey; Zaviezo, Tania; González, Guillermo; Rothmann, Sergio (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, 2010)
      In this work, we document the presence of Harmonia axyridis in Chile, an invasive coccinellid species that has had negative effects in other regions of the world, such as: Impacts on non-target arthropods, invasions of ...
    • Urquieta, Bessie; Duran, María Carolina; Coloma, Ignacio; Parraguez Gamboa, Víctor (WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, 2009-12)
      Our aim was to compare Corpus luteum (CL) development and blood plasma concentration of progesterone ([P(4)]) in thoroughbred mares after spontaneous (Control: C) or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)-induced ovulation. ...
    • Toro, H.; Saucedo, C.; Borie Polanco, Consuelo; Gough, R. E.; Alcaíno, H. (Carfax Publishing, 1999)
      A total of 100 free-living urban pigeons (Columba livia) were captured in the city of Santiago, Chile, in order to evaluate, for the first time, their health status. Negligible antibody titres (1 to 3 log(2)) were detected ...
    • Váldes, Alicia; Astudillo, Macarena (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias, 2007-12)
      Helicobacter pylori infection is now recognised as a worldwide problem. It is the most common cause of chronic gastritis, and is strongly linked to peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer in human patients. In animals, ...
    • Landaeta Aqueveque, Carlos; Robles, María D. R.; Cattan Ayala, Pedro (2007)
      The wild rodent, Abrothrix olivaceus, is a widespread species in Chile using different habitats troughout the territory. Its helminthfauna has been partially studied in wild enviroments in Chile. In this work five nematodes ...
    • Montes, Gustavo; Vásquez, Andrés; Flores Pavez, Estefanía; Cattaneo Univaso, Federico; Acuña Retamar, Mariana; Cattan Ayala, Pedro (Universidad de Chile, 2004)
    • Valenzuela, Carolina; Hernández, Valesca; Morales Silva, María Sol; Pizarro Aguirre, Fernando (Humana Press Inc., 2016)
      Heme iron (Fe) release from alginate beads at in vitro simulated gastrointestinal conditions for potential use as oral heme Fe supplement was studied. Five beads at different ratios of sodium alginate (SA)-to-spray-dried ...
    • Dueñas, Fernando; Becerra Ivanovic, Víctor Ignacio; Cortés Araya, Yennifer Alejandra; Vidal Vilches, Sonia; Sáenz Iturriaga, Leonardo Enrique; Palomino Mackenney, Jaime; Reyes Solovera, Mónica de los; Peralta Troncoso, Óscar (BIOMED, 2014-07-10)
      Background: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are multipotent progenitor cells characterized by their ability to both self-renew and differentiate into tissues of mesodermal origin. The plasticity or transdifferentiation ...