Variantes genéticas de CYP2A6 y su relación con la dependencia tabáquica y el hábito de fumar en una muestra individuos chilenos. Un estudio piloto

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Cáceres Lillo, Dante
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Variantes genéticas de CYP2A6 y su relación con la dependencia tabáquica y el hábito de fumar en una muestra individuos chilenos. Un estudio piloto
Background: Genetic and metabolic factors associated with nicotine metabolism
may be related to smoking behavior. Aim: To assess the prevalence of
allelic and genotype variants of CYP2A6 in a sample of Chilean subjects and to
evaluate their relationship with smoking and tobacco dependence. Material and
Methods: The genotype frequencies for *2, *3 and *4 of CYP2A6*1 (wild type)
gene were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 54 volunteers.
Addiction to tobacco was evaluated using the Fagerström Test. The association
between the presence of allelic variants of CYP2A6 and smoking and tobacco
dependence was evaluated with chi square test. Results: The prevalence of *1,
*2 (wt/*2), *3 (wt/*3 or *3/*3) and *4 (del/del) were 92.6%, 3.7%, 0% y 3.7%,
respectively. No signifi cant association was observed between being a carrier of a
variant genotype of CYP2A6 and smoking or tobacco dependence. Conclusions:
In this sample of Chilean individuals we did not fi nd a relation between any
CYP2A6 genotype with smoking or tobacco dependence.
Trabajo financiado por Proyecto
Departamento de Investigación
y Desarrollo (DID-2000).
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Rev Med Chile 2012; 140: 436-441