Efectos del empleo de hidrolizados de pescado en dietas de pre-inicio en pollos broiler macho : relación entre peso vivo y crecimiento de órganos seleccionados
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Pokniak Ramos, José
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Efectos del empleo de hidrolizados de pescado en dietas de pre-inicio en pollos broiler macho : relación entre peso vivo y crecimiento de órganos seleccionados
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Broiler pre-starter (1-10 days) diet supplemented with fish hydrolyzated protein (FHP) were analyzed in different concentrations on some selected organs. 690 male broiler chicks were randomly distributed in 30 floor pens. This study was 42 days long but the diets supplemented with FHP were fed only the first 10 days: pre-star stage ( 1 to 10 days), 5 treatments (T) with 6 replications were supplemented as follow with FHP during this period: T₁ was control corn-soybean, T2 was control fish meal 6%, T3: FHP (BIOCP®) 3,5%,T4: FHP (BIOCP®) 7% and T5: FHP (BIOCP PLUS®) 3,5%.
The selected organs was chest muscles, intestine, liver, spleen and bursa of Fabrizius, in case of the day 42, was measured abdominal fat.
At the pre-started period differences on chest muscles were (p<0.05) only between T3 (FHP (BIOCP®), 3,5%) and T5 (FHP (BIOCP PLUS®, 3,5%), where T5 showed higher chest muscles weight than T3, but these differences are not statistically evident (p>0,05), at the end of the commercial productive cycle (day 42), this difference could be explained by the alometric growth tissues. For spleen weight differences were found (p<0,05) among treatments, where T2 had lower than T4. You must consider that this treatment there is a value higher than the rest which could accordin to transfer error
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Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Médico Veterinario
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/133414
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