Now showing items 6870-6889 of 6924

    • Paz Casado, Josefa Fernanda de la; Halpern Calderón, Berta Camila; Robles Zamora, Camila (Universidad de Chile, 2012)
      El turismo a nivel mundial ha crecido de manera exponencial en los últimos años, abriendo espacios para que se creen una serie de servicios para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades dinámicas de los consumidores. Tomando ...
    • Florig, Michael; Rivera Cayupi, Jorge (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2015-05)
      We study economies where all commodities are indivisible at the individual level, but perfectly divisible at the aggregate level of the economy. Under the survival assumption, we show that a competitive outcome in the ...
    • Fu, Chao; Grau Veloso, Nicolás Andrés; Rivera Cayupi, Jorge Enrique (Wiley, 2022)
      We build and estimate a dynamic model of teenagers' choices of schooling and crime, incorporating four factors that may contribute to the different paths taken by different teenagers: heterogeneous endowments, unequal ...
    • Villegas Pinuer, Francisco Javier; Andreu, Joan Llonch; López Belbeze, Pilar; Valenzuela Fernández, Leslier Maureen (MDPI, 2021)
      Waste generation is a critical factor in global environmental degradation, where SMEs have been historically relevant yet underestimated. This study covers the issue of the disconnection between the normative and SMEs ...
    • Gómez-Lobo Echeñique, Andrés; Contreras Guajardo, Dante (Oxford University Press, 2003)
      Analysis of two water subsidy schemes--a means-tested subsidy in Chile and a geographically targeted subsidy in Colombia--shows that the means-tested system is better able to identify poor households than the geographically ...
    • Achata Bottger, Christel; Cortés Lozano, Juana (Universidad de Chile, 2016-09)
      Tres elementos del contexto actual de la Región Metropolitana en Chile se conjugan para generar una potente oportunidad de negocio:  Un nivel de gasto creciente dedicado a la industria de entretenimiento en Chile  Un ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Hermann Anguita, Jorge (2007)
      This paper presents a robust finding for the relationship between money growth and inflation in Chile: inflation causes (precedes) money and not the other way around. This result holds irrespectively of the way in which ...
    • Behrman, Jere; Contreras Guajardo, Dante; Palma, Isidora; Puentes Encina, Esteban (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2017-09)
      We study wealth disparities in the formation of anthropometrics, cognitive skills and socio-emotional skills. We use a sample of preschool and early school children in Chile. We extend the previous literature by using ...
    • Seghir, Abdelkrim; Torres Martínez, Juan Pablo (Springer, 2008)
      We develop a general equilibrium model of wealth transfers in the presence of uncertain lifetimes and default. Without introducing exogenous debt constraints, agents are allowed to make collateral-backed promises at any ...
    • Toro Subiabre, Fernando (Universidad de Chile, 2018-12)
      El siguiente documento aborda el Plan de Negocios de Web Learn, un Preuniversitario On Line con Clases en Vivo, el cual se encuentra inmerso en la Industria de Preuniversitarios en Chile. La Industria de Preuniversitarios ...
    • Correa, Matías; Court, Felipe; González, Nicolás; Montedonico, Daniel; Palma, Rodrigo (Universidad de Chile, 2002)
      El objetivo principal de este trabajo, fue hacer una investigación y desarrollo con varios propósitos, el primero es analizar el posible lanzamiento de nuevas formas de pago para compras por internet. De ver posibilidades ...
    • Webmed 
      Quijada Venegas, Paula (Universidad de Chile, 2014-10)
      Webmed es un servicio que se entrega a través de internet que permite que los pacientes puedan encontrar de forma rápida y sencilla a profesionales de la salud y poder agendar hora por esta vía. Estos podrán realizar la ...
    • Tapia Patiño, Tatiana Valeska (Universidad de Chile, 2006)
      El creciente uso de Internet en Chile provee un desarrollado prospecto para los E-marketers. Si ellos conocen los factores que afectan el comportamiento de los compradores en línea, y las relaciones entre tales factores y ...
    • León Castro, Ernesto; Blanco Mesa, Fabio; Merigó Lindahl, José (Springer, 2019)
      This paper presents the ordered weighted average weighted average inflation (OWAWAI). The OWAWAI operator is a new formulation for calculating inflation that provides different criteria for the association between ...
    • Yusoff, Binyamin; Merigó Lindahl, José; Ceballos, David; Peláez, José I. (Wiley, 2018)
      This paper focuses on the aggregation operations inthe group decision-making model based on the conceptof majority opinion. The weighted-selective aggregatedmajority-OWA (WSAM-OWA) operator is proposed as anextension of ...
    • Gómez, Manuel A. (Universidad de Chile Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2010-06)
      This paper quantifies cost of consumption externalities in an endogenous growth model with habit formation. Agent´s utility depends on both current consumption and a reference consumption level determined by economy-wide ...
    • Aguirre Herrera, Gonzálo R.; Twele Carter, Guillermo Sigfrid (Universidad de Chile, 2016-11)
      Este Plan de Negocios toma como base de construcción e inspiración las múltiples iniciativas tanto privadas como gubernamentales que pretenden posicionar a nuestro país como un polo internacional para el desarrollo de la ...
    • Agosín Trumper, Manuel (Oxford University Press, 2001)
      This paper examines the recent saving performance of the Chilean economy in the light of its long-run (1940-96) trends. The first conclusion that can be derived from the data is that most of the increase in private saving ...
    • Bravo Ortega, Claudio; Eterovic, Nicolás A.; Paredes, Valentina (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014-03)
      The scanty economic literature has attributed to female voting part of the increase in government expenditure and social government expenditure over the XXth century. This finding results puzzling considering that the ...
    • Bravo Ortega, Claudio; Eterovic, Nicolas A.; Paredes, Valentina (Elsevier, 2018)
      The economic literature has attributed part of the increase in government expenditure over the 20th century to female voting. This is puzzling, considering that the political science literature has documented that women ...