Now showing items 125-144 of 940

    • Aedo Araya, Trinidad (Universidad de Chile, 2017-03)
      RESUMEN Introducción: El deterioro cognitivo progresivo y la demencia se cuentan entre los trastornos más devastadores para la salud y autonomía de los adultos mayores. En la búsqueda de factores de riesgo y problemas ...
    • Reyes J., Marcela (2010-12)
    • Zepeda Iriarte, Ramiro; Castillo, Paula; Sáez, Daniel; Llanos Silva, Miguel; Ronco Macchiavello, Ana María (Springer, 2012)
      It has been suggested that prenatal exposure to cadmium may alter the cardiovascular function during adulthood. Using the left coronary artery ligation model of acute myocardial infarction, we studied the cardiac ...
    • Gunning, Marlise N.; Sir Petermann, Teresa; Crisosto King, Nicolás; van Rijn, Bas B.; de Wilde, Marlieke A.; Christ, Jacob P.; Uiterwaal, C. S. P. M.; de Jager, Wilco; Eijkemans, Marinus J. C.; Kunselman, Allen R.; Legro, Richard S.; Fauser, Bart C. J. M. (Oxford Unv Press, 2020)
      BACKGROUND: Women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) suffer from an unfavorable cardiometabolic risk profile, which is already established by child-bearing age. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: The aim of this ...
    • Correa Burrows, María Paulina; Rodríguez Letelier, Yanina; Blanco, Estela; Gahagan, S.; Burrows, Raquel (Karger, 2016)
    • Correa Burrows, María Paulina; Rodríguez, Yanina; Blanco, Estela; Gahagan, Sheila; Burrows, Raquel (Karger, 2017)
    • Barrera Acevedo, María; Bunout Barnett, Daniel; Maza Cave, María Pía de la; Leiva Balich, Laura; Hirsch Birn, Sandra (Japan Geriatrics Society, 2014)
      Aim: To explore the usefulness of carotid ultrasound examination as a marker of aging and predictor of disability among older people. Methods: Carotid ultrasound, measuring carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) and ...
    • Kaput, Jim; Ordovas, José; Ferguson, Lynnette; Van Ommen, Ben; Rodríguez, Raymond; Allen, Lindsay; Ames, Bruce; Dawson, Kevin; German, Bruce; Krauss, Roland; Malyj, Wasyl; Archer, Michael; Barnes, Stephen; Bartholomew, Amelia; Birk, Ruth; Van Bladeren, Peter; Bradford, Kent; Brown, Kenneth; Caetano, Rosane; Castle, David; Chadwick, Ruth; Clarke, Stephen; Clément, Karine; Cooney, Craig; Corella, Dolores; Manica da Cruz, Ivana; Daniel, Hannelore; Duster, Troy; Ebbesson, Sven; Elliott, Ruan; Fairweather-Tait, Susan; Felton, Jim; Fenech, Michael; Finley, John; Fogg Johnson, Nancy; Gill Garrison, Rosalynn; Gibney, Michael; Gillies, Peter; Gustavsson, Jan-Ake; Hartman, John; He, Lin; Hwang, Jae-Kwan; Jais, Jean-Philippe; Jang, Yangsoo; Joost, Hans; Junien, Claudine; Kanter, Mitchell; Kibbe, Warren; Koletzko, Berthold; Korf, Bruce; Kornman, Kenneth; Krempin, David; Langin, Dominique; Lauren, Denis; Ho Lee, Jong; Leveille, Gilbert; Lin, Su-Ju; Mathers, John; Mayne, Michael; McNab, Warren; Milner, John; Morgan, Peter; Muller, Michael; Nikolsky, Yuri; Van der Ouderaa, Frans; Park, Taesun; Pensel, Norma; Pérez Jiménez, Francisco; Poutanen, Kaisa; Roberts, Matthew; Saris, Wim; Schuster, Gertrud; Shelling, Andrew; Simopoulos, Artemis; Southon, Sue; Tai, Shyong; Towne, Bradford; Trayhurn, Paul; Uauy Dagach-Imbarack, Ricardo; Visek, Willard; Warden, Craig; Weiss, Rick; Wiencke, John; Winkler, Jack; Wolff, George; Zhao-Wilson, Xi; Zucker, Jean-Daniel (CABI PUBLISHING, 2005-11)
      Nutrigenomics is the study of how constituents of the diet interact with genes, and their products, to alter phenotype and, conversely, how genes and their products metabolise these constituents into nutrients, antinutrients, ...
    • Suazo Romo, Miriam; Olivares, Felipe; Méndez, Marco; Pulgar Tejo, Rodrigo; Prohaska, Joseph R.; Arredondo Olguín, Miguel Armando; Pizarro Aguirre, Fernando; Ordóñez Pizarro, Fernando; Araya, Magdalena; González Canales, Mauricio (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2008-04)
      The limits of copper homeostatic regulation in humans are not known, making it difficult to define the milder effects of early copper excess. Furthermore, a robust assay to facilitate the detection of early stages of ...
    • Araya, Magdalena; Gutiérrez, Ricardo; Arredondo Olguín, Miguel (Springer, 2014)
      The chaperone to Zn–Cu superoxide dismutase (CCS) has been postulated as a candidate copper indicator, changing in a consistent manner in induced and recovered copper deficiency, in experimental cell and animal models. ...
    • Maza Cave, María Pía de la; Hirsch Birn, Sandra; Jara, Natalia; Leiva Balich, Laura; Barrera Acevedo, Gladys; Claudio, Silva; Pañella, Loreto; Henríquez, Sandra; Bunout Barnett, Daniel (AULA MEDICA EDICIONES, 2015)
      Background/Aims: To measure skeletal muscle lipid infiltration, its association with insulin resistance (IR) lean mass and function, in Chilean men differing in age and body composition. Our hypothesis was that muscle lipid ...
    • Ramírez Saavedra, Carolina; Coronado, Jaime; Silva, Arturo; Romero Ormazábal, Jaime (MDPI, 2018)
      Arapaima gigas is a large air-breathing fish found in Amazonian rivers, a characteristic that gives this species an advantage in oxygen-deprived waters. It shows high potential for aquaculture in the Amazon region due ...
    • Smith Taillie, Lindsey; Bercholz, Maxime; Popkin, Barry; Reyes Jedlicki, Marcela Adriana; Colchero, M Arantxa; Corvalán Aguilar, Camila Luz (Elsevier, 2021)
      Background In 2016, Chile implemented a unique law mandating front-of-package warning labels, restricting marketing, and banning school sales for products high in calories, sodium, sugar, or saturated fat. We aimed ...
    • Alvarado, Manuel; Serrano, Edison; Sánchez, Juan; Valladares Boasi, Luis (Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2015)
      A detailed study of gametes development and characterization of plasma sex steroid hormones during the maturation cycle was performed for the first time in the southern hake (Merluccius australis). Fish were caught in the ...
    • Reyes Jedlicki, Marcela; Smith Taillie, Lindsey; PopkinI, Barry; Kanter, Rebecca; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; Corvalán Aguilar, Camila (Public Library of Science, 2020)
      Background In June 2016, the first phase of the Chilean Food Labelling and Advertising Law that mandated front-of-package warning labels and marketing restrictions for unhealthy foods and beverages was implemented. We ...
    • Trabal Fernández, Natalia; Mazón Suástegui, José M.; Vázquez Juárez, Ricardo; Ascencio Valle, Felipe; Romero Ormazábal, Jaime (Federation of European Microbiological Societies, 2014)
      The resident microbiota of three oyster species (Crassostrea corteziensis, Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea sikamea) was characterised using a high-throughput sequencing approach (pyrosequencing) that was based on the ...
    • Lizana Arce, P.; Almagia Flores, A.; Simpson Lelievre, C.; Ivanovic Marincovich, Daniza; Binvignat Gutiérrez, O.; Berral de la Rosa, F. (AULA MEDICA EDICIONES, 2012-02)
      Objective: To determine the trend of high school students from Valparaiso Chile by means of an anthropometrical somatotype Material and methods: two samples of students during the years 1984-1985 (86 men and 71 women) ...
    • Araya, Magdalena; Andrews, Mónica; Pizarro Aguirre, Fernando; Arredondo Olguín, Miguel Armando (Springer, 2012-04)
      Assessment of proteins in blood and other tissues has failed to identify markers of early copper effects on health. Studies in animal models show that chaperone of SOD (CCS) respond to changes of copper status. Evidence ...
    • Rojas, Rodrigo; Miranda, Claudio D.; Opazo Salas, Rafael; Romero Ormazábal, Jaime (Elsevier, 2015)
      Three strains (VPAP16, VPAP18 and VPAP23 strains) were isolated as the most predominant organisms from 3 different episodes of massive mortalities of larval cultures of the Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus occurred ...
    • Palomo, Iván; García, Francisco; Albala Brevis, Cecilia Hortensia; Wehinger, Sergio; Fuentes, Manuel; Alarcón, Marcelo; Arauna, Diego; Montecino, Héctor; Méndez, Diego; Sepúlveda, Magdalena; Fuica, Peggy; Fuentes, Eduardo (MDPI, 2022)
      Background: Frailty has emerged as one of the main geriatric syndromes to be prevented in order to improve quality of health and life in the elderly. In this sense, the characterization of this syndrome through reliable ...