Asymptotic, non-linear solutions for ambipolar diffusion in one dimension

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Hoyos, Jaime H.
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Asymptotic, non-linear solutions for ambipolar diffusion in one dimension
We study the effect of the non-linear process of ambipolar diffusion (joint transport of magnetic
flux and charged particles relative to neutral particles) on the long-term behaviour of a
non-uniform magnetic field in a one-dimensional geometry. Our main focus is the dissipation
of magnetic energy inside neutron stars (particularly magnetars), but our results have a wider
application, particularly to the interstellar medium and the loss of magnetic flux from collapsing
molecular cloud cores. Our system is a weakly ionized plasma in which neutral and
charged particles can be converted into each other through nuclear beta decays (or ionizationrecombination
processes). In the ‘weak-coupling’ limit of infrequent inter-particle interactions,
the evolution of the magnetic field is controlled by the beta decay rate and can be described
by a non-linear partial integro-differential equation. In the opposite, ‘strong-coupling’ regime,
the evolution is controlled by the inter-particle collisions and can be modelled through a
non-linear diffusion equation.We show numerically that, in both regimes, ambipolar diffusion
tends to spread out the magnetic flux, but, contrary to the normal Ohmic diffusion, it produces
sharp magnetic-field gradients with associated current sheets around those regions where the
magnetic field is weak.
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Artículo de publicación ISI
work was financed by the Gemini-CONICYT Fund, project no
32070014; FONDECYT regular projects 1060644 and 1070854;
the FONDAP Center for Astrophysics (15010003); Proyecto Basal
PFB-06/2007 and the joint project ‘Estudio Computacional del decaimiento
de campos magn´eticos en estrellas de neutrones’ between
Universidad de Medell´ın (Summa Group), Pontificia Universidad
Cat´olica de Chile and Universidad de Chile. The post-doctoral stay
of JHH at Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam was possible due
to the financial support of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
(DAAD), Germany, and Comisi´on Nacional de Investigaci´on
Cientifica y Tecnol´ogica (CONICYT), Chile, through the postdoctoral
fellowship no A0772255-2007-07-DOCDAAD-25. We
also thank the FONDECYT International Cooperation Project
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MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, Volume: 408, Issue: 3, Pages: 1730-1741, 2010