Interplay between thermal and immune ecology: Effect of environmental temperature on insect immune response and energetic costs after an immune challenge

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Catalán, Tamara P.
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Interplay between thermal and immune ecology: Effect of environmental temperature on insect immune response and energetic costs after an immune challenge
Although the study of thermoregulation in insects has shown that infected animals tend to prefer higher
temperatures than healthy individuals, the immune response and energetic consequences of this preference
remain unknown.Weexamined the effect of environmental temperature and the energetic costs associated
to the activation of the immune response of Tenebrio molitor larvae following a lipopolysaccharide
(LPS) challenge. We measured the effect of temperature on immune parameters including phenoloxidase
(PO) activity and antibacterial responses. Further as proximal and distal costs of the immune response
we determined the standard metabolic rate (SMR) and the loss of body mass (mb), respectively. Immune
response was stronger at 30 C than was at 10 or 20 C. While SMR at 10 and 20 C did not differ between
immune treatments, at 30 C SMR of LPS-treated larvae was almost 25–60% higher than SMR of PBS-treated
and naïve larvae. In addition, the loss in mb was 1.9 and 4.2 times higher in LPS-treated larvae than in PBStreated
and naïve controls. The immune responses exhibited a positive correlation with temperature and
both, SMR and mb change, were sensitive to environmental temperature. These data suggest a significant
effect of environmental temperature on the immune response and on the energetic costs of immunity.
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
(CONICYT) doctoral thesis fellowship to TPC, FONDAP 1501-0001
(Program 1) to FB, FONDECYT 1070352 (AMK), SavinMuco-Path-
INCO-CT-2006-032296 (AMK) and Millennium Nucleus on Immunology
and Immunotherapy (P-07-088-F, AMK).
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2011.10.001
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Journal of Insect Physiology 58 (2012) 310–317