Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory Properties of Some Methoxylated and Alkylthio Amphetamine Derivatives STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELA TIONSHIPS

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Scorza, Ma. Cecilia
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Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory Properties of Some Methoxylated and Alkylthio Amphetamine Derivatives STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELA TIONSHIPS
The monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory propenies of a series of amphetamine derivatives
with difTerent substituents at or around rhe para position of the aromaric ring were evaluateJ. i¡, in viero stuJies
in which a crude rar brain mirochllndrial suspension was used as rhe source of MAO, several compounds showed
a srrong (ICS0 in rhe submicromolar range), selecrive, reversible, time-independenr, and concenrrarion-related
inhibition of MAO-A. After i.p. injection, the compounds induced an inerease of serotonin and a decrease of
j-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in the raphe nuclei and hippocampus, confinning rhe in virro results. The analysis of
structure-activity relationships indicates rhat: molecules with amphetamine-Iike structure and different
substitutions nn the aromaric ring are potentially MAO-A inhibitors; substituents at different positions of the
aromatic ring moditY the porency but have litde inf1uence "n the selectiviry; substituents at rhe para position
sllch as ,lmino, alkoxyl. halogens. or alkylthio produce a significant increase in rhe acrivity; the para-substituent
musr be an e1ectron Jonor; hulky ~roups next to rhe para subsriruent Icad ro a Jecrease in the actÍ\'ityi
,ubstiruents loearcd ar posirions more Jistant ,m rhe aromaric ring havc less intluence anJ, even when the
subsriruent is '1 halogen (CI, Br), an increase in rhe acrivity "f rhe cllmpound is llbtained. Final!y, rhe MAO-A
inhibirory properties of some of rhe compounJs evaluareJ are Jiscussed in relation to: (a) potential
antidepressant acri\"Íry, and (b) their reponed hallllcinogenic, neurotoxic, nr anxiolyric effecrs.
This work was supported in
par by CONICYT (Uruguay) Grants 94/038 and 96/2005 (Fondo
Clemente Estable), and Latin American Work on Natural Bioactive
Compounds (LANBlO) , PEDEClBA (Uruguay), and FONDECYT (Chile) Granr 89/915.
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Biochemical Pharmacology, Vol. 54, pp. 1361-1369, 1997