Electrochemical oxidation of methylenedioxy amphetamines

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Squella Serrano, Juan
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Electrochemical oxidation of methylenedioxy amphetamines
Four amphetamine derivatives bearing a methylenedioxy group at positions 3 and 4 of the
benzene ring and differing in their substitution at C(6) were studied by differential pulse voltammetry in
aqueous media. These experiments showed a single oxidation peak for the C(6)-H, -Br and -CI compounds,
while the C(6)-N02 analogue was not oxidized. The oxidation peak is interpreted as due to the removal
of one eleetron from the aromatic eleetrophore with formation of a radical cation stabilized by the dioxole
ring. The linear relationship between the peak current and the concentration of the derivatives is
appropriate for development of a quantitative method for their determination. pK' values were determined
using both eleetrochemical and spectrophotometric methods.
This work was supported in part by
FONDECYT grants N" 915-89, 1110-92 and DTI Universidad
de Chile grant N° 3121-9223.
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Talanta, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 1379-1384, 1993