Simultaneous detection of Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus and Cherry green ring mottle virus using real-time PCR and high resolution melting analysis

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Komorowska, Beata
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Simultaneous detection of Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus and Cherry green ring mottle virus using real-time PCR and high resolution melting analysis
In this study, the real-time PCR assays were combined with high resolution melting (HRM) analysis for
the simultaneous detection of Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus (CNRMV) and Cherry green ring mottle
virus (CGRMV) infection in sweet cherry trees. Detection of CNRMV and CGRMV was performed in a realtime
PCR using a primer set for both of them or duplex real-time PCR that included one specific primer
set for each virus. These two strategies allowed us to confirmed virus infection in all tested samples. In 17
field samples the technique revealed samples positive for CNRMV or CGRMV as well as positive for both
viruses. In addition, the HRM analysis made it possible to differentiate clearly between CNRMV and
CGRMV. Sequence variations among CNRMV and CGRMV isolates observed from the HRM peaks were
confirmed by sequencing. To test the capability to use this method in field, forty one sweet cherry
samples were examined by HRM analysis. The HRM data showed that seven samples were positive for
CNRMV and three were infected with CGRMV. The results presented in this study indicated that realtime
PCR followed by HRM analysis provides sensitive, automated and rapid tool to detect and differentiate
between CNRMV and CGRMV isolates.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
This work was financially supported by project N N310 116738
from the National Science Center Poland, Poland.
Quote Item
Molecular and Cellular Probes 28 (2014) 186-191