Nutrition transition in Chile revisited: mid-term evaluation of obesity goals for the period 2000-2010
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Vio del Río, Fernando Tomás
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Nutrition transition in Chile revisited: mid-term evaluation of obesity goals for the period 2000-2010
Objective: To analyse the nutritional status component of the nutrition transition
in Chile in relation to the evolution of obesity rates in all age groups until 2005,
comparing these with the goals established by the Ministry of Health for the
period 2000–2010.
Design and setting: A descriptive study which includes data on the nutritional
status of the Chilean population categorised by age. The data originate from: (1)
institutions which administer nutritional programmes – the National Board for
Day-Care Centres (JUNJI) and the National Board for School Assistance and
Scholarships (JUNAEB); (2) the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of
Statistics; and (3) epidemiological studies which include adolescents and the
Results: The prevalence of obesity in pre-school children attending JUNJI was
10.6% in 2005; by age group, it was 6% in 2-year-olds, 11% in 3-year-olds and 14%
in 4-year-olds. Among schoolchildren in first grade, obesity prevalence was
18.5%. In pregnant women, obesity has increased from 12% in 1987 to 33% in
2004. For adults, the 2003 National Health Survey showed that the prevalence of
obesity (body mass index (BMI)$30 kgm22) was 22% and of morbid obesity
(BMI$40 kgm22), 1.3%. Obesity varied according to gender and educational
level, being higher among women (25% vs. 19% in men) and adults from low
socio-economic levels. In the elderly there was a high prevalence of obesity in the
60–64 years age group for both men (35.6%) and women (44.1%), decreasing to
18% and 26%, respectively, in those aged 75 years and older.
Conclusions: The goals for the decade (2000–2010) consider a reduction of
obesity rates from 10% to 7% in pre-school children attending JUNJI, and from
16% to 12% in schoolchildren attending first grade. For pregnant women, the goal
is to reduce the prevalence from 32% to 28%. Despite the implementation of
initiatives in nutrition and physical activity, these have been insufficient to shift
the rising trend in obesity. The explanation could be that after a rapid rise in
obesity in children and pregnant women between 1987 and 2000, a stabilisation
period or a ‘plateau’ is observed. In that situation, very effective interventions are
required to reduce obesity, because it is extremely difficult to reverse the trend.
Some positive experiences are being implemented in Chile, but government
priorities are not focused in health promotion. A comprehensive State Policy in
health promotion, that includes the public and private sectors related with obesity,
is needed to reverse this trend.
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PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, Volume: 11, Issue: 4, Pages: 405-412, 2008