Now showing items 43375-43394 of 92818

    • Camila Morales, María; Verdejo, Valentina; Orlando, Julieta; Carú Marambio, Margarita (Elsevier, 2016)
      Darwin's naturalization hypothesis suggests that the success of an invasive species will be lower when colonizing communities are formed by phylogenetically related rather than unrelated species due to increased competition. ...
    • Morales, María Camila; Verdejo, Valentina; Orlando, Julieta; Carú Marambio, Margarita (Elsevier Masson SAS, 2016)
      © 2015 Institut Pasteur.Darwin's naturalization hypothesis suggests that the success of an invasive species will be lower when colonizing communities are formed by phylogenetically related rather than unrelated species due ...
    • Mandakovic Seyler, Dinka; Pulgar Tejo, Rodrigo; Maldonado Soto, Jonathan; Mardones, Wladimir; González Canales, Mauricio; Cubillos, Francisco A.; Cambiazo Ayala, Liliana (MDPI, 2020)
      Autochthonous microorganisms are an important source of the distinctive metabolites that influence the chemical profile of wine. However, little is known about the diversity of fungal communities associated with grape ...
    • Braham,; Smok, (1990)
      Infectious complications are highly prevalent in patients with fulminating hepatitis. We report 2 female patients, aged 42 and 80 years old, with fulminating hepatitis caused by virus B and virus non-A non B, who died 20 ...
    • Alvarez, Eduardo; Castillo, Alvaro; Iturrieta, Isabel (Asociacion Espanola de Micologia, 2017)
      © 2017 Asociación Española de Micología Background Fungal peritonitis is a relatively uncommon infection in peritoneal dialysis patients. However, it can be associated with significant morbimortality. In recent reports, ...
    • Verdugo, Fernando J.; Briones, Eduardo; Porte, Lorena; Amaro, José; Fica Cubillos, Alberto (Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia, 2016)
      © 2016, Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia. All rights reserved. Fungal peritonitis is a major complication of peritoneal dialysis associated with high mortality. Most survivors have a high rate of abandonment of peritoneal ...
    • Crous, P. W.; Cowan, D. A.; Maggs Kolling, G.; Yilmaz, N.; Larsson, E.; Angelini, C.; Brandrud, T. E.; Dearnaley, J. D. W.; Dima, B.; Dovana, F.; Fechner, N.; García, D.; Gene, J.; Halling, R. E.; Houbraken, J.; Leonard, P.; Luangsa-ard, J. J.; Noisripoom, W.; Rea-Ireland, A. E.; Sevcikova, H.; Smyth, C. W.; Vizzini, A.; Adam, J. D.; Adams, G. C.; Alexandrova, A.; Alizadeh, A.; Álvarez Duarte, Eduardo; Andjic, V.; Antonin, V.; Arenas, F.; Assabgui, R.; Ballara, J.; Burgess, T.; Calvert, J.; Carvalhais, L. C.; Courtecuisse, R.; Cullington, P.; Davoodian, N.; Decock, C. A.; Dimitrov, R.; Di Piazza, S.; Drenth, A.; Dumez, S.; Eichmeier, A.; Etayo, J.; Fernández, I.; Fiard, J-P; Fournier, J.; Fuentes Aponte, S.; Ghanbary, M. A. T.; Ghorbani, G.; Giraldo, A.; Glushakova, A. M.; Gouliamova, D. E.; Guarro, J.; Halleen, F.; Hampe, F.; Hernández-Restrepo, M.; Iturrieta-González, I.; Jeppson, M.; Kachalkin, A.; Karimi, O.; Khalid, A. N.; Khonsanit, A.; Kim, J.; Kim, K.; Kiran, M.; Krisai-Greilhuber, I.; Kucera, V.; Kusan, I.; Langenhoven, S. D.; Lebel, T.; Lebeuf, R.; Liimatainen, K.; Linde, C.; Lindner, D. L.; Lombard, L.; Mahamedi, A. E.; Maxwell, A.; May, T. W.; McTaggart, A. R.; Meijer, M.; Mesic, A.; Mileto, A. J.; Miller, A. N.; Molia, A.; Mongkolsamrit, S.; Muñoz Cortés, C.; Muñoz Mohedano, J.; Morte, A.; Morozova, O.; Mostert, L.; Mostowfizadeh Ghalamfarsa, R.; Nagy, L.; Navarro Rodenas, A.; Orstadius, L.; Overton, B. E.; Papp, V.; Para, R.; Peintner, U.; Pham, T. H. G.; Pordel, A.; Posta, A.; Rodríguez, A.; Romberg, M.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Seifert, K. A.; Semwal, K. C.; Sewall, B. J.; Shivas, R. G.; Slovak, M.; Smith, K.; Spetik, M.; Spies, C. F. J.; Syme, K.; Tasanathai, K.; Thorn, R. G.; Tkalcec, Z.; Tomashevskaya, M. A.; Torres García, D.; Ullah, Z.; Visagie, C. M.; Voitk, A.; Winton, L. M.; Groenewald, J. Z. (Rijksherbarium, 2020)
      Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Austroboletus asper on soil, Cylindromonium alloxyli on leaves of Alloxylon pinnatum, Davidhawksworthia quintiniae ...
    • Crous, P. W.; Wingfield, M. J.; Burgess, T. I.; Tapia, C. (Rijksherbarium, 2017)
      Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Banksiophoma australiensis (incl. Banksiophoma gen. nov.) on Banksia coccinea, Davidiellomyces australiensis (incl. ...
    • Crous, P. W.; Wingfield, M. J.; Burgess, T. I.; Hardy, G. E.; Gene, J.; Guarro, J.; Baseia, I.; García, D.; Gusmao, L.; Souza-Motta, C.; Thangavel, R.; Adamcik, S.; Barili, A.; Barnes, C. W.; Bezerra, J.; Bordallo, J.; Cano-Lira, J.; Vilela de Oliveira, Rafael; Ercole, E.; Hubka, V.; Iturrieta-González, I.; Kubatova, A.; Martin, M.; Moreau, P.; Morte, A.; Ordóñez, M.; Rodríguez, A.; Stchigel, A.; Vizzini, A.; Abdollahzadeh, J.; Abreu, V.; Adamcikova, K.; Albuquerque, G.; Alexandrova, A.; Álvarez Duarte, Eduardo; Armstrong-Cho, C.; Banniza, S.; Barbosa, R.; Bellanger, J. -M.; Bezerra, J.; Cabral, T.; Cabon, M.; Caicedo, E.; Cantillo, T.; Carnegie, A.; Carmo, L.; Castañeda-Ruiz, R.; Clement, C.; Cmokova, A.; Conceicao, L.; Cruz, R.; Damm, U.; da Silva, B.; da Silva, G.; da Silva, R.; Santiago, A.; de Oliveira, L.; de Souza, C.; Deniel, F.; Dima, B.; Dong, G.; Edwards, J.; Félix, C.; Fournier, J.; Gibertoni, T.; Hosaka, K.; Iturriaga, T.; Jadan, M.; Jany, J. -L.; Jurjevic, Z.; Kolarik, M.; Kusan, I.; Landell, M.; Leite Cordeiro, T.; Lima, D.; Loizides, M.; Luo, S.; Machado, A.; Madrid, H.; Magalhaes, O.; Marinho, P.; Matocec, N.; Mesic, A.; Miller, A.; Morozova, O.; Neves, R.; Nonaka, K.; Novakova, A.; Oberlies, N.; Oliveira-Filho, J.; Oliveira, T.; Papp, V.; Pereira, O.; Perrone, G.; Peterson, S.; Pham, T.; Raja, H.; Raudabaugh, D.; Rehulka, J.; Rodríguez-Andrade, E.; Saba, M.; Schauflerova, A.; Shivas, R.; Simonini, G.; Siqueira, J.; Sousa, J.; Stajsic, V.; Svetasheva, T.; Tan, Y.; Tkalcec, Z.; Ullah, S.; Valente, P.; Valenzuela-López, N.; Abrinbana, M.; Viana Marques, D.; Wong, P.; de Lima, V.; Groenewald, J. (Rijksherbarium, 2018-06)
      Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Chaetopsina eucalypti on Eucalyptus leaf litter, Colletotrichum cobbittiense from Cordyline stricta x C. australis ...
    • Acha Araya, Valentina (Universidad de Chile, 2018)
      ¿Cómo otorgar valor histórico y cultural a la naturaleza en la ciudad? Bajo esta pregunta el proyecto se desarrolla en un terreno en particular, el Parque Quinta Normal de Santiago. Para volver a dar vida a un santuario ...
    • Lazo Araya, Waldo (1972)
      Thirteen species of Gasteromycetes are reported for Chile, seven of them for the first time for this country . and one of them, Geastmm jurei Lazo, new to science. Also, there are reported three species of Agaricales ...
    • Franchi Parra, Valeria Alejandra; Aleuy, O. Alejandro; Tadich Gallo, Tamara (Elsevier, 2016)
      Fur chewing is a behavioral disorder frequently reported in chinchillas kept for fur-farming purposes. Rodents kept in barren cages usually develop some form of abnormal repetitive behavior, which can indicate a past or ...
    • Jakupovic, J.; Grenz, M.; Bohlmann, F.; Niemeyer, H. M. (1991)
      Investigation of five further Chilean Senecio species afforded, in addition to known compounds, four new furoeremophilanes, four eremophilanes, a germacratrienol and an acylpyrrol derivative. Structures were elucidated by ...
    • Ahmed, Muniruddin; Niemeyer, H. M. (1991)
      In addition to known compounds, a new furoeremophilane and two pairs of epimeric acetals with an eremophilane skeleton have been isolated from Senecio pachyphyllos. The structures were elucidated by high field 1H NMR ...
    • Zdero, C.; Bohlmann, F.; Niemeyer, H. M. (1992)
      The aerial parts of Gutierrezia resinosa gave 15 new diterpenes including 12 labdanes and three nerylgeraniol derivatives. The structures were elucidated by high field NMR spectroscopy. © 1992.
    • San Martín, Consuelo; Jacobs, Bart; Bram, Vervliet (Elsevier, 2020)
      Avoidance behaviors are central to the anxiety disorders and implicated in many other forms of psychopathology, but the reinforcing mechanism of avoidance remains largely elusive. It has been suggested that subjective ...
    • Tenorio, Jair; Alarcón Arias, Pablo; Arias, Pedro; Dapia, Irene; Garcia Minaur, Sixto; Bralo, María Palomares; Campistol, Jaume; Climent, Salvador; Valenzuela, Irene; Ramos, Sergio; Monseny, Antonio; Grondona, Fermina; Botet, Javier; Serrano, Mercedes; Solis, Mario; Santos Simarro, Fernando; Alvarez, Sara; Teixido Tura, Gisela; Jaen, Alberto; Gordo, Gema; Rivera, María Belén; Nevado, Julián; Hernández, Alicia; Cigudosa, Juan C.; Ruiz Pérez, Víctor; Tizzano, Eduardo; Lapunzina, Pablo (Nature, 2020)
      Tatton-Brown-Rahman (TBRS) syndrome is a recently described overgrowth syndrome caused by loss of function variants in the DNMT3A gene. This gene encodes for a DNA methyltransferase 3 alpha, which is involved in epigenetic ...
    • Colihueque, Nelson; Iturra, Patricia; Díaz, Nelson F.; Veloso Martínez, Alberto (1996)
      Gynogenetic haploid progenies of rainbow trout, produced using UV light for sperm inactivation, were studied in comparison with normal progenies. In a total of 437 normal embryos, 3.5% of them showed chromosome abnormalities: ...
    • Mischler, Terrence W.; Berman, Edel; Rubio, Boris; Larranaga, Alfredo; Guiloff, Enrique; Moggia, Angel V. (1974)
      A previous report based on investigations in Mexico suggested that quingestanol acetate might have potential as a postcoital oral contraceptive at a 800 mcg dose. This concept was based on some 1,000 cycles of therapy with ...