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Now showing items 1-20 of 2797
(Universidad de Chile, 2023)
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)The importance of feedback for L2 learners has been a matter of interest for many researchers in language assessment. However, little is known about feedback practices for oral skills assessments. This report accounts for ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2021)This study explores the feedback practices in oral evaluations of three English teachers in an EFL Chilean university programme. In particular, it seeks to determine which are the practices of feedback that are provided ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2023)The following investigation explores and analyses the assessment construct of extensive reading tests and the place of reading comprehension within that construct in a particular educational setting of English as a Foreign ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2013)This study explores feedback practices in an EFL university programme in Chile. In particular, it seeks to determine what kinds of feedback students receive and their quality. Furthermore, the study also aims at examining ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2005)Since the second half of the twentieth century a significant paradigm shift has taken place in second language education, namely, the shift from positivism to post-positivism, and from behaviourism to cognitivism. In ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2011)Humour is an aspect of social interaction we are often exposed to. We experience it in everyday situation. In fact, many people even make a living out of being funny.That is they are professional humour makers. Some good ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2009)Traditionally, irony has long been viewed as a rhetorical device and broadly defined as “the use of words to express the opposite of their literal meaning.” It has been amply studied in different disciplines such as ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2018)
(Universidad de Chile, 2009)
(Universidad de Chile, 2008)The object of this research project is to carry out a literary analysis of the contrast and similarities between the treatment of female portraits presented in some of Edgar Allan Poe’s and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2010)Objetives: to describe the way in which native speakers of English and native speakers of Spanish realize the speech acts of request and refusal in their respective mother tongues; to determine the extent to which the ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2019)
(Universidad de Chile, 2008)Dentro del contexto de las celebraciones del Bicentenario del nacimiento de la Nación, se ha dado una tendencia revisionista del proceso independista. Bajo esta primicia, de “repensar el pasado”, es en donde surge esta ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2013)En este informe, pretendo realizar un pequeño estudio en relación al humor y al texto poético.De este modo, he tomado el soporte de la poesía para indagar en él, a través del análisis de una selección de poemas y a la luz ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2017)
(Universidad de Chile, 2013)Culturalmente, el papel de la sombra ha ocupado un lugar importante en las mentes humanas. Múltiples han sido sus concepciones y manifestaciones a través de la historia, coincidiendo ellas en la particularidad de la sombra ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2019)El siguiente informe propone dos escrituras: un ensayo teórico en voz propia, y una escritura práctica llamada Uriel, el pudor. En la escritura teórica se aborda el problema de la confección de saber en un contexto académico ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2006)El escrito se refiere y parte de “A partir de Manhattan” (Enrique Lihn, 1979) para alegorizar tanto la propia escritura de Lihn como la de los textos teóricos. El escrito sigue así dos derroteros: por un lado el (A)nálisis ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2009)