Cloning of hif-1 and hif-2 and mRNA expression pattern during development in zebraWsh
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Rojas, Diego
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Cloning of hif-1 and hif-2 and mRNA expression pattern during development in zebraWsh
Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) regulate gene expression in response to hypoxia and in vertebrates they are known to participate in several
developmental processes, including angiogenesis, vasculogenesis, heart and central nervous system development. Over the last decade,
major progress in unraveling the molecular mechanisms that mediate regulation of HIF proteins by oxygen tension has been reported, but our
knowledge on their developmental regulation during embryogenesis in model organisms is limited. Expression of hif-1 and hif-2 genes has
been characterized during normal mouse development and they were found to be expressed from stages E7.5, later in E9.5 and E15.5 in several
diVerent tissues such as the brain, heart and blood vessels. However, there is no detailed temporal information on their expression at other
embryonic stages, even though orthologous genes have been described in several diVerent vertebrate species. In this study, we describe the cloning
and detailed expression pattern of zebraWsh hif-1 and hif-2 genes. Sequence analysis revealed that zebraWsh Hif proteins are highly
homologous to other vertebrate orthologues. ZebraWsh hif-1 and hif-2 are both expressed throughout development in discrete territories in a
dynamic pattern. Interestingly, in the notochord the expression of hif-1 is switched oV, while hif-2 transcription is turned on, signifying that
the two genes might have partially overlapping, although non-redundant functions in development. This is the Wrst time that a detailed comparison
of the expression of hif-1 and hif-2 is directly assessed in a vertebrate model system throughout development.
We thank Dr. Miguel L. Concha and Soledad de la Piedra
for their assistance in DIC photography; Andrea
Muñoz for expert Wsh care and the ZebraWsh International
Resource Center (grant P40 RR12546 from the NIHNCRR)
for the TG(Xi1:EGFP)y1 line. This work was supported
by grants from Millennium ScientiWc Initiative
(ICM P02-050), FONDECYT #1031003 to MLA,
#1040697 to MA, and #1060441 to AER, ICGEB CHI03-
03c to MLA and VRA Universidad Diego Portales.
Quote Item
Gene Expression Patterns 7 (2007) 339–345