Observation of localized modes at phase slips in two-dimensional photonic lattices

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Szameit, Alexander
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Observation of localized modes at phase slips in two-dimensional photonic lattices
We study experimentally light localization at phase-slip waveguides and at the intersection of
phase-slips in a two-dimensional (2D) square photonic lattice. Such system allows to observe a
variety of effects, including the existence of spatially localized modes for low powers, the generation
of strongly localized states in the form of discrete bulk and surface solitons, as well as a crossover
between one-dimensional (1D) and 2D localization.
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This work was supported by the Leopoldina-German
Academy of Science (grant LPDS 2009-13), Fondecyt
(grant 1080374), Programa de Financiamiento Basal de
Conicyt (grant FB0824/2008), Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft (Leibniz program), and by the Australian Re-
search Council.
Quote Item
OPTICS LETTERS, Volume: 35, Issue: 16, Pages: 2738-2740, 2010