Longitudinal magnetoresistance of thin gold films deposited on mica arising from electron-surface scattering

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Muñoz Alvarado, Raúl
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Longitudinal magnetoresistance of thin gold films deposited on mica arising from electron-surface scattering
We report the measurement of the longitudinal magnetoresistance, performed on 4 thin gold films of different
thickness evaporated onto preheated mica, where the signal can be univocally attributed to electron-surface
scattering. The magnetoresistance exhibits a marked thickness dependence: at 4 K and 9 Tesla it is about 2.6%
for the thinner 72 nm film, and about 13.5% for the thicker 266 nm film. The observed magnetoresistance
is at variance with the predictions of the theory of longitudinal magnetoresistance of Way and Kao Phys. Rev.
B 5, 2039 1972 .
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We gratefully acknowledge funding from FONDECYT
under Contract No. 1085026, and the exploratory research
work on magnetoresistance performed by Ana Maria
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PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume: 81, Issue: 16, Article Number: 165408, 2010