Phenolic composition and mouthfeel characteristics resulting from blending Chilean red wines

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Cáceres Mella, Alejandro
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Phenolic composition and mouthfeel characteristics resulting from blending Chilean red wines
BACKGROUND:Theblending of wine is a commonpractice in winemaking toimprovecertain characteristics that are appreciated
by consumers. The use of some cultivars may contribute phenolic compounds that modify certain characteristics in blended
wines, particularly those related to mouthfeel. The aim of this work was to study the effect of Carm´en` ere, Merlot and Cabernet
Franc on the phenolic composition, proanthocyanidin profile and mouthfeel characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon blends.
RESULTS: Significant differences in chemical composition were observed among the monovarietal wines. Separation using
Sep-Pak C18 cartridges revealed differences in the concentration but not in the proportion of various proanthocyanidins.
Blending reduced polyphenol concentration differences among the various monovarietal wines. Although no major overall
differences were observed after blending the monovarietal wines, this oenological practice produced clear differences in
mouthfeel characteristics in such a way that the quality of the perceived astringency was different.
CONCLUSION: This study showed that the use of a particular wine variety (Cabernet Sauvignon) in a higher proportion in wine
blending produced blends that were less differentiable from the monovarietal wine, owing to a suppression effect, producing
an apparent standardization of the wines regarding chemical composition.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
This study was supported by Conicyt-Chile (grants Fondecyt
1080559 and 1110832).
Quote Item
J Sci Food Agric 2014; 94: 666–676