Phenolic composition and sensory characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon wines: effect of water stress and harvest date

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Delgado Cuzmar, Paula
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Phenolic composition and sensory characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon wines: effect of water stress and harvest date
The effect of three water status level and two harvest date 55 and 64days after veraison (DAV) on phenolic and sensory composition of Cabernet Sauvignon wines were investigated. The later harvest date led to wine with a higher alcohol content. Total phenols varied from 1439.66 to 1643.08mgL(-1) with higher values at 64 DAV. No differences were observed between irrigation treatments. For total tannins and anthocyanins, no differences were found between harvest date. Separation of proanthocyanidins by Sep-Pak Plus tC(18) cartridges showed only differences in concentration but not in the proportion of proanthocyanidin fractions. The wines from the most restricted treatment had a better colour and the same aroma of red fruits, persistence, astringency, fullness and bitterness, as the wine from the treatment with highest irrigation. Under the assay conditions, it was possible to obtain wines with a similar chemical and sensory composition earlier and using less irrigation water.
Fondecyt Postdoctoral Fund
Artículo de publicación ISI
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International Journal of Food Science and Technology Volumen: 53 Número: 7 Páginas: 1726-1735
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