Now showing items 2286-2305 of 20545

    • Carvajal Aguilera, Daniela; Fernández Moraga, Javier; Valenzuela Ahumada, Fernando; Morales Huber, Claudia; Fernández Moraga, Alejandra (Ediciones Doyma, S.L., 2020)
      Introduction: Autoimmune Bullous Diseases (ABDs) are acquired dermatoses characterised by blisters on the skin and mucous membranes. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiology, clinical features, therapeutic ...
    • González del Barrio, Rodrigo (Universidad de Chile, 2008)
      Los autoíndices comprimidos para texto ofrecen una funcionalidad similar a la de los índices clásicos, ocupan espacio proporcional al tamaño del texto comprimido, y además lo reemplazan, pues son capaces de reproducir ...
    • Arroyuelo Billiardi, Diego Gastón (Universidad de ChilePrograma Cybertesis, 2009)
    • Garrido, Cristóbal; Toledo, Felipe; Díaz Quezada, Marcos Andrés; Rondanelli Rojas, Roberto Francisco (MDPI, 2021)
      We propose a monochromatic low-cost automatic sun photometer (LoCo-ASP) to perform distributed aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements at the city scale. This kind of network could fill the gap between current automatic ...
    • Ríos Pérez, Sebastián; Erazo, Lili (Elsevier, 2016)
      Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) is a group of diseases that affect the normal respiratory function during sleep, from primary snoring to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) being the most severe. SDB can be detected using a ...
    • Chang, Violeta; Heutte, Laurent; Petitjean, Caroline; Härtel, Steffen; Hitschfeld, Nancy (Elsevier, 2017)
      Background and objective: Infertility is a problem that affects up to 15% of couples worldwide with emotional and physiological implications and semen analysis is the first step in the evaluation of an infertile couple. ...
    • Martínez Palomera, Jorge Ignacio (Universidad de Chile, 2018)
      El Survey de Transientes a Alta Cadencia (HiTS), fue creado con el propósito de descubrir y estudiar objetos transitorios con escalas de tiempo características entre horas y días, tales como, estrellas pulsantes, eclipsantes, ...
    • Ayele, Yonas Zewdu; Aliyari, Mostafa; Griffiths, David; López Droguett, Enrique (MDPI, 2020)
      Bridges are a critical piece of infrastructure in the network of road and rail transport system. Many of the bridges in Norway (in Europe) are at the end of their lifespan, therefore regular inspection and maintenance are ...
    • Chi Durán, Rodrigo Kimyen; Comte Selman, Diana; Díaz Quezada, Marcos; Silva Sánchez, Jorge (Springer, 2017)
      In this work, new strategies for automatic identification of P- and S-wave arrival times from digital recorded local seismograms are proposed and analyzed. The database of arrival times previously identified by a human ...
    • Bhatti, Sohail Masood; Khan, Muhammad Salman; Wuth, Jorge; Huenupan, Fernando; Curilem, Millaray; Franco, Luis; Becerra Yoma, Néstor (Elsevier, 2016)
      In this paper we propose an automatic volcano event detection system based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) with state and event duration models. Since different volcanic events have different durations, therefore the state ...
    • Cárdenas Nahuel, Daniel Germán; Parra Tsunekawa, Sebastián Isao; Leiva Castro, Francisco; Ruíz del Solar San Martín, Javier (MDPI, 2022)
      This paper describes a system for the automatic determination of rock-breaking target poses for impact hammers used in underground mines. The rock-breaking target pose is defined as the position and angle at which the ...
    • Arias, Juan Pablo; Becerra Yoma, Néstor; Vivanco Torres, Hiram (ELSEVIER, 2010)
      In this paper the nature and relevance of the information provided by intonation is discussed in the framework of second language learning. As a consequence, an automatic intonation assessment system for second language ...
    • Azócar, David; Elgueta Vergara, Marcelo; Rivara Zúñiga, María Cecilia (ELSEVIER, 2010)
      A numerical method for 2D LEFM crack propagation simulation is presented. This uses a Lepp–Delaunay based mesh refinement algorithm for triangular meshes which allows both the generation of the initial mesh and the local ...
    • Guerrero, Pablo; Ruiz del Solar, Javier; Fredes Sandoval, Josué Abraham; Palma Amestoy, Rodrigo (2012-12-18)
      In this article we present an automatic on-line color calibration system that makes extensive use of the spatial relationships between color classes in the color space. First, we introduce the definition of class-relative color ...
    • San Martín, Felipe; Pérez, Claudio; Tapia, Juan E.; Virani, Shahzad; Holzinger, Marcus J. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Detection, classification, and characterization of Space Objects (SOs) are important tasks in many areas of research. Detection of SOs is important in predicting collisions with debris that could become hazards for satellites ...
    • Castro Ruiz, Raúl; Riquelme Aguilar, José; Widzyk-Capehart, Eleonora; Hekmat, Asieh; Baraqui Schwarze, Jorge (Taylor & Francis, 2015)
      Even though block caving mining method is already the most economical underground mining method for large massive ore bodies, it requires further technical advancements to also become a practical method for deep deposits ...
    • Günther Schultz, Hans (Universidad de Chile, 2011)
      La norma técnica eléctrica chilena menciona que dentro del sistema eléctrico no se debe propagar falla, en particular del sistema de subtransmisión enmallado de una distribuidora hacia el sistema de transmisión troncal. ...
    • Montoya Araneda, Rodrigo Ignacio (Universidad de Chile, 2023)
      Las empresas de agricultura orgánica son relativamente nuevas en Chile y ofrecen una alternativa a la agricultura convencional que es más beneficiosa para el medio ambiente ya que no usan productos nocivos, minerales o ...
    • Hevia Vega, Patricio Antonio (Universidad de Chile, 2021)
      La construcción industrializada está llegando a Chile y para quedarse, empresas como BauMax y MultiAceros están siendo pioneras en las nuevas tecnologías de construcción que involucran elementos prefabricados, principalmente ...
    • Rivera Martínez, Cristián Alejandro (Universidad de Chile, 2018)
      En el desarrollo de software, existen tres elementos determinantes para la obtención de sistemas de calidad, estos son: las personas, la tecnología y los procesos, teniendo los procesos una incidencia significativa en la ...